aquatherm New Zealand

Pipe system made of polypropylene
for potable water supply


Case Studies

Case Study: CPIT Christchurch

CPIT's new Whareora (Science and Wellbeing Facility)  


As part of the ever changing face of central Christchurch an all new facility is well under construction at CPIT.

Incorporating a gymnasium, medical area, 2 blocks of male and female amenities, laboratory area and classrooms, CPIT is now nearing completion for the early new year.

Piped out in aquatherm green for hot and cold services, with a 63mm main into the building and two flow and return circuits with 40mm mains.

Emphasis is on expansion and movement, the medical area has a 40m run from the plant room. Some challenging pipe work runs here for the team at Clynne & Bennie with multiple, centrally located tempering valves, feeding tempered and mixed waters to back to back fittings. And ten back to back shower mixers piped to 32mm hot and cold Headers. The team at Ben Max are also on site with a substantial HVAC installation of aquatherm blue.

Construction Contractor:   Hawkins Construction

Architect:                           Athfields Architects 

Consultans:                       Powell Fenwick Consultants

Plumber:                           Clynne & Bennie

CPIT004_opt CPIT001_opt
CPIT005_opt CPIT