aquatherm New Zealand


aquatherm pressure testing green, lilac and blue

apipe install_optquatherm would like to remind installers of the importance of completing and submitting the required Pressure Test after completing an installation. aquatherm uses the test information to verify proper processes for warranty purposes.

Heat fusion is essentially an all or nothing joining process. An improper fusion will hold very little pressure and will fail almost immediately when subjected to our high pressure testing. A proper fusion becomes as strong as the pipe wall and can easily pass our high pressure cycle test of 20 Bar.

There are 2 tests:

  1. The standard 20 bar cycle test (available online in our Technical Downloads section) and in your training book, and/or
  2. The German low pressure DIN test, also covered in your training book that is used where low pressure testing is necessary due to attachments, special valves etc and will not with stand the 20 bar cycle. This is a longer test with several parts to complete.  

Remember both test are continuous tests, specific requirements that are essential to complete.

Aquatherm's testing regime will:

  • Verify that all the joints have been properly fused.
  • Locate and identify pipes that were cracked before or during installation that the installers may have missed.
  • Protects the installer from liability in the event of a failure.
  • Catching the problem during the pressure test, when the building is still mostly concrete and bare studs is preferable to when the building is complete and operational.
  • Is an essential part of Aquatherms third party Warranty requirements. The aquatherm warranty is substantial and encompassing.

aquatherm requires a copy of the pressure test and this needs to be submitted to aquatherm within 90 days of completion. We file all test sheets at our Auckland Head Office and test sheets combined with your Warranty document are then registered to the installation address.

We place a high value on the reputation of our brand and run our specific Registered Installer programme to minimize both the frequency and impact of installation issues.

Pressure testing is an essential part of the fusion welding process and your Q&A. Ensure your team leaders/ leading hands are well versed in the testing process and the essential requirements:

  • the pipe work must be free to move
  • brand matched aquatherm pipe clamps with spacers in place...1 for cold, 2 for warm/hot
  • ensure no clamps are positioned to stop movement or jam the pipe
  • no silicon prior to testing
  • ensure good practices of testing, pipe work solid with water and all air removed
  • welded connections should be visually inspected.  A proper connection will have two even rings of melted PP-R, touching or nearly so in parallel, and a visible depth mark to ensure proper insertion. If the rings are uneven, missing, overlapped and or undersized to the dimension welded it may be indicative of an error in the fusion 

munsen ring_opt2 dl good pressure testing_opt

Pictured left: blue pipe in the munsen ring under 20 bar test and the movement (expansion) is clearly visible in this riser.

Pictured right: The D L Good Plumbers Ltd team setting up for pressure testing at Fonterra House.

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