aquatherm New Zealand


Future-Proof Building


aquatherm NZ Ltd is proud to be part of the Future Proof Building program.

FPB is all about creating a better, safer, more comfortable home for you and your family. A better home for you to live in now, that's worth more in the future.

This concept continues to gain momentum worldwide. By incorporating Future-Proof Building solutions you will be using quality products, services and practices to create a higher quality home that will be worth more now and into the future.

The 8 Principles of FPB

The Future-Proof Building principles are your guide to understanding FPB and better building through education on these principles. The essence of Future-Proof Building focuses on investing in better building to improve the quality of New Zealander’s lives:

FPB - Future Proof Building Principals

Energy Smart long-term reduction in energy costs, more efficient use of home heat

Health & Safety health control with future-proof materials and systems

Life-Cycle life-cycle evaluation of product or service costs

Quality special attention to quality in key home components

Sustainability minimising our impact on the planet

Smart & Secure future-proofing the home with automation

Sound Control managing noise pollution

Space Management making the best use of the space available

For more information  

TCP 6724



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