aquatherm New Zealand


Christchurch Cricket Pavillion for the World Cup


Hagley Oval and the new Pavilion were started on 17th December 2013 and was opened on 15th September 2014.

Ready for the opening of the Cricket World Cup and the first match to be played on 14th February 2015, New Zealand Black Caps against Sri Lanka. Built for the profile of ICC and New Zealand cricket specifications.

Measuring 155 metres long, the stadium has a capacity of 20,000, but takes up just 2% of Hagley Park.

The historic St Albans and Umpires Pavilion which sit next to the new pavilion have been saved and are currently being upgraded.


The roof is a major feature, in that it is a floating tensioned membrane roof, using 2.5 tonnes of fabric.

The plumbing was done using aquatherm green pipe for hot and cold water in the toilets, changing rooms, kitchen and numerous other areas and was installed by CBD Plumbing on time and to budget.

Building Company:          Southbase Construction

Plumbing Installers:        CBD Plumbing – Brad and Delvan Cummings

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Pictured:  Delvan Cummings & Brad Cummings CBD owners, George Perry CBD plumber, Robin Griffith Plumbing World and Paul Eagleton, aquatherm's South Island Sales Manager.

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