aquatherm New Zealand


New Eco Lodge, Blue Duck Lodge

1850_52_image_image_zoom_optSituated 45km inland from Owhango on the banks of the Wanganui river at Whakahoro, Blue Duck Lodge is a place where we at aquatherm love to spend a bit of time.  So when Dan Steele told us about his new Eco Lodge he was to build we jumped at the chance to supply and install the most suited piping system, aquatherm green.

The features and benefits for this type of build include:

  • A quiet pipe system (great for not waking up the next door neighbors with running water in the middle of the night).
  • Fully recyclable piping system.
  • Low embodied energy compared to traditional materials.
  • Non toxic.
  • Thermally efficient.
  • Permanent jointing system.

Blueduck Station 029_opt

Running the plumbing project is D L Good Plumbers from West Auckland.  Pictured at the new lodge is Steve Healy (D L Good) Ben Healy (D L Good and successful hunter of the trip with a 12 point stag and a 120lb boar) and Martin Reid (lower North Island Sales Manager Aquatherm).

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