aquatherm New Zealand


Plumbers Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board Centenary Youth Leadership Awards


aquatherm sends a huge congratulations to Plumbing category winner Kieran Rutherford from Plumbing Works Ltd, Tauranga.

To mark its Centenary, the Board recognised industry young achievers from all three trades with a leadership award. This award was given not only in recognition of academic accomplishment in qualifying to join the industry, but also for potential to lead. Along with the award, each winner received an opportunity to attend an eight day Outward Bound course.

A very committed team member to the Plumbing Works company, Kieran runs a commercial team of 20 staff.  In his role he is involved with pricing and project management of all contracts, and the design and build of plumbing and drainage projects.

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Kieran is viewed by his colleagues and employer as an exceptional young man, widely respected and a truly well deserving recipient of this award.

Pictured: Kieran Rutherford with his wife Jess, The Right Honourable Maurice Williamson, Minister Of Housing and Craig Coxhead, Director, Plumbing Works Ltd.


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